
  • The plan for the "JV Connect" Entrepreneurial Matching Platform
  • The potential to create and dominate a new niche in the entrepreneur marketplace
  • The various investment opportunities based on your investors status 
  • ​Your investment options including RRSP and TFSA for Canadians
JV Connect Platform 
 A SaaS Investment

The JV Connect Platform Information Presentation

Watch the video below and request the Offering Memorandum if interested.
The JV Connect Platform will connect entrepreneurs from all over the world to create strategic partnerships, connect to the training and support that they need to grow and scale.
Being Able to Match your Product to promotional  Partners all over the world.
Provide acess to our Joint Venture Community. The right partner at the right time for the right reason!
Get the eduction and support you need to grow your business fast!
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